

At Pray’s Mill Baptist Church, we take worship seriously. Rather than designing our worship services in such a way to attract non-Christians—we look to the Scriptures to see how God desires to be approached in worship. It is our desire to passionately worship our God in Spirit and truth—for his glory.

As you visit our worship services, you can expect to see some very distinct things taking place in our worship:

  1. Worship is about God. We intentionally design our worship services to be vertically focused because we are gathering to worship our Triune God. In the Scriptures, God has set the boundaries of worship, and we seek to engage in genuine, authentic worship of God on a weekly basis as he has called us to approach him.
  2. The Bible is preeminent. Rather than singing or some concert atmosphere, our church gatherings are centered upon the holy Scriptures. You will see this from the very opening call to worship from an opening Scripture reading. The services will close with a benediction that most often includes a reading of Scripture.
  3. God is the main audience. Rather than designing our worship services with methods that will be sure to attract unbelievers through flashing lights, loud secular music, and the use of video clips—we gather each week with a desire to please God rather than man. Furthermore, we are not seeking to design our worship services around what makes other Christians feel a certain way or is attractive to specific fleshly desires—such as music styles and other preferences. Our main goal is to please God and to honor him in how we worship.
  4. Participation. We are not called to gather for worship on the Lord’s Day to watch people worship or listen to people sing to us. We are called to be active participants in worship. It is our goal to be participating in the reading of Scripture, the prayers, the singing of the gospel, the preaching of the Word, the offering, and even during the benediction. God has called us to be worshippers—not spectators.
  5. Preaching: The very first mark of an authentic church is biblical preaching. We are not ashamed to preach God’s Word and to proclaim the message of the cross.
  6. Baptism and the Lord’s Supper: The ordinances are ordinances of the church and should be rightly administered. Baptism is not something for a private moment or for a secluded group. It’s to be administered with the gathered church. The Lord’s Supper should be carefully and properly administered with the church after properly fencing the table and providing proper directions to the church. Both ordinances are commanded by Christ and are for the worship of our God.

We welcome unbelievers and guests to join us for our worship services, but we want to be clear that we are gathered each week with a desire to worship and honor God. That’s our main priority.