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Scott Aniol

Scott Aniol serves as Executive Vice President and Editor-in-chief of G3 Ministries (a ministry started out of Pray’s Mill) and Professor of Pastoral Theology at Grace Bible Theological Seminary. He holds a masters degree in Theological Studies (SWBTS), a masters degree in Aesthetics (NIU), and a PhD in Pastoral Theology (SWBTS).

Scott was born and reared in Michigan where he was reared by Christian parents, attended church regularly, and received his early education in Christian schools. At age 13 Scott repented of his sins and surrendered his life to Christ in faith. During his high school years he gained a deeper love for local church ministry and especially the study of theology and philosophy.

Scott has served as a pastor in churches in Illinois and Texas, and taught on the faculty of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas for 10 years before moving to Douglasville to serve with G3 Ministries.

Scott and his wife Becky have four children: Caleb, Kate, Christopher, and Caroline.